In the dystopian world of Dead Paradise: In Race Shooter, players have to play as a character passing through a post apocalyptic race of enemies. Introduced as an adrenaline pumping car game where you have to drive and blast your enemies with loads of firepower in order to clear levels. Finishing the race is not life or death—it’s about survival.
Throughout the battle, you’ll battle through a variety of stages, all whilst trying to halt your progress, all thanks to the foes on a variety of vehicles. You’ll get coins for completing levels which you can use to unlock more capabilities for your vehicle in the garage. Missiles, armor, engines and fuel have upgrades available, improving damage, durability, and speed. There are also a choice of visually striking vehicles available to buy.
Dead Paradise: Race Shooter created by Smokoko is a thrilling mix of high speed racing and intense gunfight all within a post apocalyptic setting. Players can upgrade and customize their vehicles with a wide array of upgrades and customizations. Start playing Dead Paradise: Race Shooter Unblocked for free on your Chromebook or PC via the Chrome browser without any ads.
With smooth support for Dead Paradise: Race Shooter Unblocked across Chromebooks, PCs, and mobile devices, Classroom 6x puts your gaming experience first. A seamless and uninterrupted ad-free gaming experience is guaranteed thanks to our meticulously tuned compatibility with popular web browsers including Chrome, Edge, and Firefox.
Furthermore, we’re dedicated to making Dead Paradise: Race Shooter more accessible by providing an unblocked version. With the help of this project, players will be able to enjoy the game more extensively and unrestrictedly in a variety of settings, such as offices and classrooms.